


您可以联系您进行预订的服务中心,或者对于在线预订,请联系 PACK & SEND 客户服务团队取消包裹的国际运输。 由中国对外贸部批注注册的一级货运代理企业,公司对外承接海运、空运进出口货物的*运输代理业务,包括订舱、中转、仓储、集装箱拆装、报关、报验、保险、内陆运输、多式联运服务及相关咨询业务。业务范围:集装箱储运/集装箱修理/货代与报关/配送与运输/仓储服务/进出口服务/增值服务/供应链管理。...


Sending to New Zealand
With numerous PACK & SEND locations throughout New Zealand, we have the capacity to ensure your goods have a fast and safe travel across the Tasman via air or sea freight.

Sending to Asia
PACK & SEND's extensive logistics and delivery capabilities means we can deliver your parcels and freight to locations throughout Asia.专门设计且“适合用途”。DEFRA 许可运输服务并制定标准,并已获得“PETS for PETS”许可,其授权类别为 2 类。除了英国内部旅行外,还活跃于英国、欧洲、法国、西班牙、德国、意大利。我们还是动物健康和兽医实验室机构 (AHVLA) 获得许可的检疫代理,能够将动物直接运送到检疫设施。加拿大Quebec辖区城市的邮编


Sit Back and Relax

Moving abroad or planning a travelling trip is exciting times and the logistics of shipping goods overseas should be the last thing on your mind. Using Anglo as your international shipping company from the UK means you can focus your attention on the fun aspects of your move while we coordinate your door-to-door shipment.Ship Cars Ltd ship motorcycles by sea every week from the UK. Our bespoke crate making service in Rainham and Bristol allows for a more secure service ever time. All motorbikes are professionally packed for safer transport using good, quality wood that has been heat treated to comply with the import formalities at destination. Depending on where in the world you would like to ship a motorcycle to, we can also offer to ship a motorbike on our shared container service where it does not need to be crated, ask for further details to find out the best option....


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